My not-so-normal hobby

The one question I despise more than anything is, “so, what do you like to do for fun?”

Well, my idea of fun is usually laughed about and made into some weird nerd joke.  So I usually avoid the question.  But after scrolling through the internet most of the day and devouring a whole season of Marriage Bootcamp: Bridezillas on Netflix, I thought that maybe I should actually get a hobby.  Or two.

But wait!  I do have a hobby.  Food blogs.  Yes, reading food blogs is what I consider my hobby.  I probably read through 2-3 blog archives a night.  I think I’m running out of some to read too.  Uh-oh.

And usually, reading them sparks my ideas for posts to write.  This one is inspired by the long running list of recipes in my bookmark tag. Because c’mon, bookmarking recipes to use later on is a quite useful hobby 🙂

Also, I was scrolling through Chocolate & Zucchini (my new favorite blog, by the way!) and saw a post where she mentioned writing a cookbook.  I thought, hey that sounds like fun!  Though, I will probably never write my own cookbook, I feel like all the recipes I have saved could be a book in themselves.

So now that I have ranted a bit about my not-so-normal hobby, I’ll link you to some of my saved recipes.

The tried and true, ones that have gotten the thumbs up from not only me, but the real critic, Kait:

Pork Roast with Apples & Onions

Peach Chicken

Eggplant Parm

Cranberry Pork Roast (what we had for dinner tonight!)

And some I’m yet to try but will soon!

Rough Puff Pastry Dough

Taco Burgers

Cookie Dough Bites

But of all the recipes that I have in my bookmarks, this is the one I have been raving about to everyone!  It’s by another favorite blogger, The Freckled Foodie.  I have made this so many times that I don’t even have to look at the recipe anymore!  I know the measurements by heart!  And I may or may not have eaten one of these as my before-lunch snack, oops.

Obviously, this isn’t even close to all the bookmarked recipes I have.  There’s quite literally, millions, to go through.  But hey, I don’t think I’ll run out of ideas for dinner anytime soon.  Though, most of them have vegetables as the main ingredient, so I don’t know how well Kait will like that…

Let me know what your favorite recipe is!  And what other food blogs you read; I’m running out of reading material!



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